Themistoklis Z. Zanidis is a political scientist/international relations specialist. He has a BA in Cultural Studies (concentration Hellenic Civilization) from the Hellenic Open University and a MSc in International and European Studies from University of Piraeus (concentration Strategic Studies). Furthermore, he is a graduate student of MA in Political Science (United Nations and Global Policy Studies) at Rutgers University in United States.
He is Research Intern at the Institute of International Relations (I.DI.S.) on the field of Strategic Culture of Greece and Turkey. Themistoklis writes articles, both in Greek and English, about International Relations in magazines, webpages and blogs.
His main research interests are: International Relations, Strategy, US-China Hegemonic Competition, Strategic Culture of Greece, Turkey and China.
You can find his articles in his personal website: https://www.tzanidis.online/ .