Dr. Nikos Κ. Deniozos is a Senior Officer of the Hellenic Coast Guard ret. (demobilized at his request), Graduate of the Naval Cadet School -School of Coast Guard Standar Beares Cadets. Graduate of the Department of Economics of E.U. of A. Holder of a Master and a PhD in Regional Development / Economic Geography from the Institute of Regional Development of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, and from the University of the Aegean respectively. He also holds a Master in Quantitative Methods in Decision Making from the Postgraduate Department of Statistics of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He is a graduate of the School of National Defense and the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies. Also he is a graduate of the School of National Defense (Degree in Strategic and Defense Studies).
He served for many years in the Special Missions Units of the Hellenic Coast Guard, as Operations Officer, Deputy Commander and Commander. He was the head of the Drug Prosecution of H.C.G. He had be trained in the USA. in dealing with Special Crimes of Violence at Sea and in Ports, while participating in US Coast Guard programs on drug prosecution and law enforcement in the field of maritime security. He is a graduate of the School of Special Missions of the Coast Guard and schools of the Hellenic Navy and Hellenic Police.
He was the head of the Greek Delegation to EUROPOL, while he participated in FRONTEX projects, and as a national expert he participated as a regular member of the NATO Civil-Military Committee PBOS for Strategic Maritime Transport. He served as the Central Port Authority of Chalkida and Director in the Directorate of Emergency Political Planning of the Coast Guard. He was also a professor in the course of Maritime Economics at the Naval Cadets School and a professor in the course of Port Security at the School of Port Guards, as well as an instructor in matters of armaments and shots of the Hellenic Navy.
He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Geocultural Analysis of the Wider Middle East and Turkey of the Department of Turkish Studies and Contemporary Asian Studies of the School of Economics and Political Science of EKPA (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). He teaches at the Postgraduate Department of Geopolitical Analysis and Geopolitical Composition of the Department of Turkish Studies and Contemporary Asian Studies of the School of Economics and Political Science of EKPA.